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50 Games for Going Green de Carol Scaini

50 Games for Going Green de Carol Scaini

Autor: Carol Scaini
Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Arte, música y fotografía
Tapa blanda: 128 páginas
Editor: Human Kinetics Publishers (18 de julio de 2012)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1450419909
ISBN-13: 978-1450419901
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Descripción - This title deals with fun games with green credentials. "50 Games for Going Green" is a resource for teachers and youth leaders wishing to educate children about the importance of caring for the environment through the medium of fun physical activities. The book is filled with simple games and activities that will not only engage children in physical activity, but also inspire them to appreciate and take care of the earth. Lessons are fast, fun, eco-friendly and easily modified to suit a range of ages, abilities and skill levels. These activities can be played in a variety of settings and require little or no equipment, with many using everyday, recyclable items easily found at home or school. Although this book is written primarily for PE teachers, anyone involved in leading physical activities such as classroom teachers, Scout and Guide leaders, recreational leaders and outdoor education instructors, will also find these games useful.

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